There’s something very organic and alive about these kitchens — all the green and organised messiness conjures up images of lazy weekends and strong coffee and crinkled oxford shirts, waffles and fresh strawberries and very good conversation . . .
. . . ever since we begun decorating our place, have been collecting inspiration photos of gallery walls, as well as frames of varying shades and colours, but always seem to be drawn to black, white & gold; it is always fascinating to how other walls have come together, to examine the parts that make up the whole, and not only is this wall, above, in decorative-arts dealers laurence and patrick seguin’s beautifully assembled, but it also happens to be the ground floor of a 17th-century mansion in le marais, in paris . . .
. . . and if you have been reading for a while, you will know about the long-time love affair with carrara, and while it is currently adorning the fireplace in the sitting room, adore it most in the kitchen, especially when paired with gold . . .